Clifton Hill Yoga Studio

Clifton Hill Yoga Studio are located at 129 Queens Parade in Clifton Hill. They are on tram route 86, which travels up Bourke Street from Spencer Street Station, and are tram stop #24. The studio was established in 1995 by Frank Jesse and is one of the finest yoga schools in Melbourne. They teach their classes in the traditional Iyengar Yoga method, a style of yoga that is focused on correct alignment and postural awareness. They run a variety of yoga classes throughout the week in three studios, from 8-week courses to casual and specialty yoga classes including prenatal. They have a general class at 10am every single day of the year, so come along and try a class. Visit now to develop your postural awareness.


129 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill, Victoria

(03) 9486 8044
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 0 Min

 0 Min

Private Classes
 0 Min

Ten Class Voucher
 0 Min

Unlimited Pass
 0 Min

Unlimited Pass
 0 Min

Direct Debit
 0 Min

Direct Debit
 0 Min

Beginners One Courses
 75 Min

Beginners One Courses Casual
 75 Min

Beginners Two Courses
 75 Min

Beginners Two Courses Casual
 75 Min

Level Two Clases [Casual]
 105 Min

Level Three Clases [Casual]
 120 Min

General Classes [Casual]
 90 Min