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Massage therapy is one of the most common and therapeutic forms of treatment available anywhere in the world. Hot oil massage is a type of massage therapy which has been in use in the Indian culture for thousands of years because of the numerous health benefits it comes with. A hot oil massage session typically consists of a therapist massaging their client's head or body with heated oil. This oil could be any food grade oil or a product manufactured specifically for massage. You do not need a therapist for a regular hot oil massage but it is not incorrect to state that trained hands obviously are much more effective. Here is a list of some of the most common reasons why hot oil massage is becoming such a popular trend in different parts of the world.
It is not uncommon for Indian men and women to get their heads massaged in a traditional session after a long day's work.
Hot oil massage is very effective in relieving stress and making a person feel much more relaxed.
It is always a nice feeling to have heated oil rubbed into the muscles of your head after a tiring day.
Long and thick hair is an epitome of beauty in many cultures.
Everyone wants their hair to be strong, thick, voluminous, and shiny. A hot oil massage is a great way to boost your hair growth and improve their texture.
Have you noticed how Indian women usually have really long and dark hair? The incorporation of hot oil massage in their tradition is the reason why their hair remains beautiful for years.
Heated oil is easier for the scalp to absorb and when rubbed in through seasoned hands, it strengthens the hair follicles from the roots.
A regular hot oil massage can be extended so it also involves the neck and the part behind the ears.
The massage will not only help nourish the skin in these areas, it will also help release the tension and stress in the treated muscles.
Your muscles will relax and become a lot more flexible after the massage therapy and you will feel rejuvenated and recharged after the session.
You could use any type of oil for the hot oil massage therapy.
Coconut oil is a traditional choice and a very good one because it is a very effective moisturizing agent.
Olive oil is also a popular choice because it comes with numerous healthy properties.
People also use a combination of different oils to get a combination of benefits.