Wing Chun Information

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Cheung's Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy

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What is Wing Chung

Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art and form of self defense. The various moves of Wing Chun make use of close range combat techniques. When a Wing Chun student has gained enough experience with using his or her bare hands, they can start using weapons. The weapons used for any Wing Chun match can be of any type but should act as if they are an extension of the body. Thus, even though a person uses a long pole as their weapon, it would have to act like it was a part of their body, an extension of their limbs. This is the basis of the sport of Wing Chun.

Benefits of Wing Chung

There are numerous benefits to learning Wing Chun, some of which can be described as follows:
Improvement in upper body strength
The circling exercises improve the flexibility of the upper body and condition it.
Stretching exercises mark a huge part of the Wing Chun training sessions and help one become more flexible, well balanced, and agile.
The punching and kicking drills that one has to perform for learning Wing Chun are highly effective in muscle building and fat burning.
One of the key aspects of Wing Chun is meditation and learning With Wing Chun exercises, you get better control over your muscles as your mind learns, through the meditative practice, to become more focused on the task at hand.

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