Facial Contouring Information

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What is facial contouring?

We all want perfect looking and well defined faces. Unfortunately, not everyone is gifted with perfect looking angular features naturally and some may have to resort to other techniques to look the way they want. One such technique is known as facial contouring which is used widely by numerous celebrities and runway models to enhance their physical features. The technique is simple and subtle – it creates an illusion of definition in places it isn't present. The technique can also be used by those who have well defined faces if they want to emphasize the same.

Facial contouring makes use of a bronzer to play with the concept of shadow. A shadow, when placed correctly, emphasizes a certain shape or style and leads to a more defined look. It is an artistic technique which is very subtle in implementation and does not make appearance in any clear way. An onlooker would think that your natural facial structure is the same as what your contouring techniques have lent you. The illusion is a powerful thing and facial contouring can help you use it to your benefits completely. Here are certain tips that will help you get the perfect definition for your face without going over the top.

Avoid shimmery products

It is not difficult for one to get swayed by the shimmer of certain products and feel the need to use a shimmery product for adding contours to the face.
The best thing to do is to keep such products away as they are not subtle or natural looking.
Matte bronzer is what you need because it will easily blend into the skin tone without making much noise.

Choose the tone of your bronzer carefully

Everyone is blessed with a different skin tone which is why the tone of the bronzer you use should be specifically for your skin type.
You don't want the facial contouring to give you a look that is cartoonish and looks like a child's attempt at makeup.
Thus, it is important you choose tones of your products carefully. Always check that the bronzer goes with your skin tone by rubbing it on the back of your hand and seeing how well it blends.

Always blur

When you apply a bronzer to create the illusion of a more defined structure, you should always smudge the product so it blurs and blends well with the rest of the skin.
Clear and sharp lines will do just opposite of what we want when going with facial contouring. They look unnatural and will create a look that will be just downright tacky.
It is very important that you always blur the bronzer so it looks natural and goes well with the tone of your skin.

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